1. University of Nairobi (Sponsor) : www.uonbi.ac.ke
2. Retirement Benefits Authority (Regulator) : www.rba.go.ke
3. Kenya Revenue Authority : www.revenue.go.ke
4. Pinebridge Investments (Fund Manager) : www.pinebridge.com
5. Genesis Kenya (Fund Manager) : www.genesis.co.ke
6. Standard Chartered Bank (Custodian) : www.standardchartered.co.ke
7. Alexander Forbes Financial Services : www.aforbes.co.za/kenya
(Advisors/ Actuary)
8. Kenya National Audit Office : www.kenao.go.ke
(External Auditor)
9. UoN Legal Office : http://legaloffice.uonbi.ac.ke
10.UoN Office of the DVC (A&F) : http://dvcaf.uonbi.ac.ke